Most of you who read this are guests to our local beaches. Of all the beaches in NC, especially Brunswick County, Sunset Beach is the cleanest we have seen. Many of us surfers take pride in keeping it clean and Sunset Beach's maintenance crew does an awesome job, all pick up trash, to keep SB clean.
If you can spare a few minutes and help keep Wrightsville Beach butt free, please send the below message to our state government. Yes, it's not about Sunset Beach but our plan has been to follow Wrightsville Beach, which now looks a tad bit more difficult.
Cape Fear Chapter needs your support. For all you locals, please cut
and paste the address list below and either craft your own letter
(click here to see Cape Fear Chapter's website for this issue) In
short: Wrightsville Beach NC imposed a ban on smoking on their
beaches. Now NC state government wants to over rule local authority and
remove that self-imposed ban.
You can cut and paste the address list to make it easier to send this letter of concern to our state representatives.
Thanks for your support,
Tom Allen
"" ; "" ; "" ; "" ; "" ; "" ; "" ; "" ; "" ; "" ; "" ; "" ; "" ; "" ; ""
Subject: Ban on Smoking at NC beaches
respect the rights of citizens and local governments in determining how
they want to regulate their communities. SB 703 is designed to overturn
a referendum voted in place by a strong majority of the citizens of
Wrightsville Beach and limit the authority of municipal governments
throughout the state. I feel that this bill goes a long way in taking
the power out of the voter’s hands and places it squarely in the hands
of government. This bill, as it is written, would also remove the
rights of our community colleges to be able to effectively govern their
campuses. In my opinion, this would be a step backward in the
democratic process we hold so firm. As it stands, this bill is a clear
example of special interest groups and lobbyists trying to trump the
will of the public.
As our elected official, I ask that you please
stand strong in helping to promote clean and healthy communities and
We pickup trash constantly. Most disheartening is
cigarette butts. They do not degrade and pose health risk to fish and
Sincerely and thank you for taking time to help our community.